Walkin’ in Wausau – Rib Mountain State Park

My title is a bit misleading. This post is not really about Rib Mountain State Park, but the walking path that runs parallel with Park Road (that leads into the State Park), I believe it might be called, The Bone & Joint Trail — or maybe part just part of it is (??). 🤷‍♀️ I … continue reading…

Walkin’ in Wausau – Bluegill Bay Park

I hesitated sharing this park. It’s one of those places hidden in plain sight (ok, I kept forgetting about it) and after you have ‘discovered’ it for yourself, you want to keep it for yourself. But keeping it to myself is not very nice, especially when you need a fresh place to visit so your … continue reading…

Walkin’ in Wausau – River Edge Parkway

I started a series called, Walkin’ in Wausau to share local parks and trails where I take my kids to burn energy when our yard becomes boring or when we need to get OUTside. You can check out the first post here.  These outings are mostly about keeping the kids active (within reason), but sometimes, playgrounds … continue reading…